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  • Wilson- Fundations is a comprehensive, systematic, phonological, phonemic awareness, decoding and spelling program for the general education classroom. At Lone Tree, this includes kindergarten through 3rd grade. This program serves as a prevention program to help reduce reading and spelling deficiencies.


  • Whole group instruction, 30 minutes a day. All lessons revolve around the BIG 5 essential components of reading (comprehension, fluency, vocabulary, phonemic awareness, phonics and word study).



  • Researched-based, multi-sensory, systematic, sequential instruction with a fully integrated word study program that incorporates active engagement, developmentally appropriate activities, and a wide array of manipulative to build a strong foundation in reading and writing.


  • The multi-sensory methods involved include: “sky writing”, auditory input/echoing sounds, manipulation of magnetic tiles and sound cards, “tapping” of phonemes on their fingers, and scooping syllables on white boards.


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